Industry Dairy Breeds


The respective breed registry association AI rules are not totally uniform, but are quite similar. The Requirements in this pamphlet are based solely on information provided in published form by the respective breed registry association and is believed to be complete and accurate. However, all regulations are subject to change and interpretation by the respective breed registry association.

This information is provided as a guideline to interested persons. It is the responsibility of anyone planning to register cattle of a specific breed to obtain complete details of all regulations pertaining to registration from the respective breed registry association. Neither Certified Semen Services, Inc., the National Association of Animal Breeders, their staff, Board of Directors or membership are responsible for any loss or damage resulting from errors or omissions in the information contained herein.


One requirement common to all the dairy breed registry associations is that the blood type of a bull and his living unblood-typed parents be on file with the respective breed registry association. Before collecting blood samples for blood typing, obtain necessary instructions and report forms from the respective breed registry association.


Holstein Association USA, Inc.
1 Holstein Place
Brattleboro, Vermont 05302-0808
Telephone: (802) 254-4551

1. Applicant Responsible

The applicant identifying an artificially conceived animal assumes full responsibility for the accuracy of all information required by the Holstein Association on appropriate application forms for the issuance of a Certificate of Registration, Recording or Identification.

The Holstein Association may at any time request the owner of dam at time of service or owner of dam at time of calving, whichever is applicable, to provide proof of ownership of semen or the availability of semen of the indicated sire on the application for identification.

  1. Such proof may be in the form of a breeding receipt which identifies the semen used when inseminating the identified dam of the animal for whom an application for registry or identification has been filed.
  2. In instances where the semen used was involved in a transaction (sale, purchase or gift) for future use (not applicable under "a." above), the first owner or seller should provide the second owner or buyer with a Bill of Sale or equivalent document identifying the semen, the date of the transaction, quantity involved and source of such semen. A copy of the Bill of Sale or equivalent document may be requested at any time by the Holstein Association as evidence of availability of semen for use. The Bill of Sale or equivalent document need not necessarily be from the original producer or supplier, but should be traceable to the original source through a series of such documents involving each ownership of the semen available and used.

2. Identification of Semen

The vial, straw or other package containing the semen from which the dam conceived shall have been accurately labeled with the following information:

  1. The name and registration number of the bull registered in the Herd Book of Holstein Association USA, Inc. This may be supplemented by the unique identification code of the sire placed on file with The Holstein Association by the semen producing and/or freezing business or owner of sire.
  2. The date of semen collection or a semen collection code which is unique and identifiable with the business or organization collecting and/or freezing the semen. Such code shall be available to The Holstein Association for reference on request.
  3. The identification code of the business or organization collecting and/or freezing semen as assigned by NAAB may be shown at the option of the owner of the sire. When a code is used, adequate information must be on file with The Holstein Association to completely and accurately identify it with the business or organization collecting and/or freezing the semen, otherwise, the name of such business or organization shall be included on the inseminating unit.

3. Blood Type

  1. At such time as semen is frozen, the bull from which collected will be blood typed with his living unblood-typed sire and/or dam. Approval of the laboratory from which a blood type will be accepted must be obtained with The Holstein Association. Specifications for the blood type and form of report are available from The Holstein Association. Under extenuating circumstances, The Holstein Association reserves the right to grant exceptions to this requirement.
  2. Blood Typing Service Available: The Holstein Association provides a blood typing service to meet these requirements through an arrangement with a blood typing laboratory qualified to meet all provisions set forth in 3a (above). A $40.00 service fee will be charged by The Holstein Association for each animal involved in such blood typing service.

4. Canadian Semen

Semen originating in Canada and produced by a sire(s) registered in the Herd Book of the Holstein Association of Canada, shall have met all requirements of the Joint Dairy Breeds Committee of Canada for use in artificial insemination in Canada before importation. In addition, provisions 1 and 3 above shall apply.


These requirements apply to the following:

Ayrshire Breeders' Association
1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd.
Columbus, OH 43228
Telephone: (614) 335-0020

The Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' Assn.
P. O. Box 1038
Beloit, Wisconsin 53512-1038
Telephone: (608) 365-4474

The American Guernsey Association
7614 Slate Ridge Blvd.
P.O. Box 666
Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068-0666
Telephone: (614) 864-2409

The American Jersey Cattle Association
6486 E. Main Street
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-2362
Telephone: (614) 861-3636

American Milking Shorthorn Society
P.O. Box 449
Beloit, Wisconsin 53512-0449
Telephone: (608) 365-3332

1. Blood Typing

  1. Any registered dairy bull from which semen is frozen must be blood typed along with his living unblood-typed parents at the expense of the owner or lessee.
  2. Blood typing to be acceptable must be conducted at a laboratory approved by and operating under Agreement with the National Society of Livestock Record Association of which PDCA member organizations are members.
  3. Blood typing fees are payable to the respective breed organization for administering, recording and maintaining such data.
  4. If in the opinion of the breed registry organization there is a question of parentage as represented by the application for registry, the offspring in question must be blood typed with the dam and the results of blood typing by the designated laboratory in all matters of identification and parentage will be accepted as official.

2. Listing Bulls

A registered dairy bull from which semen has been collected and used for the artificial insemination of dairy cows must be listed with the respective breed registry organization by the owner or lessee before the resulting offspring are eligible for registration.

Compliance of essential Listing shall consist of:

  1. The AI business immediately sending a Semen Freezing Report to the respective breed organization of any registered dairy bull from which semen is collected for the first time.
  2. The name and registration number given on the Semen Freezing Report must agree with the name and registration number recorded in the breed registry records to avoid the assumption of mislabeling.
  3. The owner or lessee at time of first collection is responsible for having the bull blood typed with his living unblood-typed parents to verify parentage. This procedure is initiated by contacting the respective breed organization for proper forms and instructions.
  4. The listing procedure is completed when a one-time listing fee of $30 (AJCC's listing fee is $45) is paid to the respective breed registry organization prior to accepting Applications for Registration of offspring resulting from artificial insemination.

3. Semen Identification

Positive identification of semen is essential for accuracy of records to register the resulting offspring. The breeder submitting the application is responsible for proof of identification of semen used to produce the offspring for which application is being made.

  1. Acceptable identification requirements for each breeding unit (i.e., ampules, straws, etc.) of semen used is considered as follows:
    1. The name and number of the bull as registered in the records of the respective breed registry organization.
    2. Collection code
    3. AI Center (Stud) code
    4. Breed code
    5. Bull's number assigned by the AI Business
  2. When a Sales Invoice or Bill of Sale is accepted by a purchaser of frozen semen as substantiating evidence of ownership of the semen, the Sales Invoice or Bill of Sale should include the following in addition to the semen identification under a. above:
    1. Name and address of seller
    2. Name and address of purchaser
    3. Date of purchase
    4. Number and type of individual breeding units.

4. Registration Procedure

Each Application for Registration must be submitted with one of the following conditions to be considered for registry when the sire and dam are not owned by the same person at time of breeding:

  1. An acceptable breeding receipt issued by an Employed or Affiliated Technician of a recognized AI business may accompany the application. This breeding receipt must include the following data:
    1. Breed, name and registration number of cow, or
    2. Breed, name and positive identification for a cow eligible to register such as tattoo or other identifying number; or sketch of color markings. (Brown Swiss, Jersey, and Milking Shorthorn require tattoo in lieu of sketch.)
    3. Owner's name and address
    4. Name of bull and registration number
    5. Bull code including AI center (stud) code and breed code
    6. Collection code
    7. Service number
    8. Date of breeding
    9. Previous service information
    10. Inseminator's signature
  2. In lieu of a breeding receipt the owner may certify to accepting full responsibility for any damages resulting from inaccurate breeding information as specified by the respective breed registry organization.

5. Each breed registry organization reserves the privilege of establishing separate conditions for the artificial insemination of animals within its respective breed.