Status Code Allowance NAAB STatus Code Allowances Dairy Cross Reference Status Codes: Natural service bulls (N) - Includes all dairy bulls with daughters entering the CDCB sire evaluation system, but which had not been reported as having semen collected. Collected (C) - A dairy bull which has had semen collected and/or been assigned an NAAB code, but semen has not been released. Genomically tested (G) – A dairy bull which has been genotyped and has semen available for sale, and has less than 10 milking daughters. This status requires a First Semen Release (FSR) date. Progeny-test (P) - A dairy bull with no published CDCB genetic evaluation but semen has been distributed in 10 or more herds for progeny test purposes. This status requires a First Semen Release (FSR) date. Active AI Sire (A) - A dairy bull with 10 or more milking daughters in the USA with a CDCB genetic evaluation and has semen available for sale. This status requires a First Semen Release (FSR) date. Foreign (F) – A dairy bull with 10 or more milking daughters outside of the USA, and less than 10 in the USA, with a CDCB genetic evaluation and has semen available for sale. This status requires a First Semen Release (FSR) date. Inactive (I) - A dairy bull which has had semen released but semen is no longer available for sale. This status includes bulls which have died and no longer have semen available or bulls which are alive but semen is not available. This status requires a First Semen Release (FSR) date. Beef Cross Reference Status Codes: Collected (C) - A beef bull which has had semen collected and/or been assigned an NAAB code, but semen has not been released. Active AI Sire (A) - A beef bull that has had semen collected and released with an assigned NAAB code. This status requires a First Semen Release (FSR) date. Inactive (I) - A beef bull which has had semen released but semen is no longer available for sale. This status includes bulls which have died and no longer have semen available or bulls which are alive but semen is not available. This status requires a First Semen Release (FSR) date. How to determine a status code: Changes Allowed: