Registration Name DELTA ROSEBUD-RED
Registration Number HONLD000633377638
Primary NAAB Code
Secondary Code(s)
Status Unknown
Controller Name ()
Date of Birth 8/6/2015
aAa -
Genetic Codes * -
Beta Casein -
Kappa Casein -
Beta Lactoglobulin -
NM$ 319, 76% R CM$ 333
NM Percentile 18% FM$ 206
GTPI - GM$ 381
19908 Dtrs 4051 herds 0 % US 88% R
Milk -92 Fat, % -4 , 0.00%
SCS 2.94, 85% R Protein, % 21 , +0.09%
Feed Saved 59 , 36% R
Health & Fertility
Productive Life 3.0      82% R Mastitis 0.6      74% R
Heifer Livability 0.1       19% R Metritis 0.8      21% R
Livability 1.6      25% R D. Abom 0.5      23% R
DPR 3.7      78% R Ketosis 1.5      21% R
HCR 1.2      78% R R. Placenta 0.3      22% R
CCR 4.1      74% R Milk Fever 0.1      18% R
SCR -        -
Calving Traits
Sire CE 1.6      80% R 33598 Obs
Daughter CE 1.8      65% R 0 Obs, 9462 Dtrs
Sire SB 5.0      50% R 57816 Obs
Daughter SB 4.9      67% R 0 Obs, Dtrs
Gestation Length -1.0      30% R 0 Obs, 0 Dtrs
Early First Calving 1.3      25% R 0 Obs, 0 Dtrs

CDCB April 2024; Base of Evaluation: HO

* Individual bull owners may test for more recessives

Composites HA 04/2024
0 Dtrs 0 herds -
PTA Type UDC 0.00
Linear Traits
Body Depth
Dairy Form
Rump Angle
Thurl Width
Rear Legs-Side View
Rear Legs-Rear View
Foot Angle
Feet & Legs Score
F.U. Attachment
Rear Udder Height
Rear Udder Width
Udder Cleft
Udder Depth
Front Teat Placement
Rear Teat Placement
Teat Length

CDCB April 2024; Base of Evaluation: HO